Announcing the 2015 RFP: Outcome Measurement and Treatment Prescription

Since 2010 the hearing industry’s largest manufacturers have collaborated to sponsor a non-competitive, mutually agreed upon research agenda benefitting the hearing aid industry, its customers, and end users. The framework for this collaboration is the Hearing Industry Research Consortium (IRC).

Coordinated data collection in audiological service delivery systems can be exploited to examine relations between patient characteristics, treatment outcomes, and process variables. This may provide new evidence for the development of improved treatment. Meanwhile, the diversity of real-life clinical practice may cause any data to be very ‘noisy’, potentially invalidating conclusions regarding cause and effect. IRC wishes to promote serious research in this area, and therefore this year the IRC is requesting proposals within the topic of ‘Large-scale approaches to outcome measurement and treatment prescription’. The $300,000 funding pool is open to research labs around the world.

Applications are available on the Hearing IRC web site. The deadline for proposals is August 16, 2015, and decisions will be announced by December 31, 2015.

Published on: 05/01/2015