Announcing the 2021 Grant Recipients

In response to the RFP 2021 on “Confirming The Hearing Care Practitioner (HCP) Role with Respect to Expanded Hearing-Aid-User Needs, Health & Well-Being“ the IRC received 4 great project proposals. This is comparable to previous calls on topics that has not received much attention in the research community. It is one of the goals of IRC to identify these under-studied domains in the field of Audiology, this year focusing on the broader dimensions of hearing rehabilitation that hearing care professionals face in daily practice.

The IRC is now pleased to announce the decision to fund:

  • “Impact of listening effort on hearing aid adoption and performance in adults” submitted by Prof. Erin Schafer and her team at University of North Texas.

The project just started, and we look forward to seeing the results and contributions from the project in the coming two years.

The IRC is once again very pleased to have received excellent proposals from globally leading researchers We sincerely appreciate the effort put into these proposals. We are pleased to stimulate the relevant research fields, both with potential funding, but also in providing topics of interest to the hearing industry and hearing research community, that consequently will lead to greater impact of the conducted research.

Published on: 06/14/2022