Announcing the 2019 Grant Recipients

In response to the RFP 2019, “The joy of hearing: the impact of hearing loss and hearing aids on the affective state of the listener “, the IRC received eight great project proposal. This is comparable to previous calls on topics that has not received much attention in the research community. It is one of the goals of IRC to identify these under-studied domains in the field of Audiology, and like the 2018 RFP, the 2019 is one of these and focuses more on the psychological aspects of Audiology.

The IRC is now pleased to announce that for the 2019 call, we have two grant winners. They are:

  • University of Nottingham, Graham Naylor and his team of the proposal: “Emotional responses in daily-life listening situations for people with a hearing loss, and emotional adaptation after a first hearing-aid fitting”
  • University of Memphis, Jani Johnson and her team on the proposal “Does wearing hearing aids impact the affective state of older adults with hearing loss in daily listening”

The projects both started early 2020. We look forward to seeing the results and contributions from these projects.

The IRC is once again very pleased to have received excellent proposals from globally leading researchers We sincerely appreciate the effort put into these proposals. We are pleased to stimulate the relevant research fields, both with potential funding, but also in providing topics of interest to the Industry, that consequently will lead to greater impact of the conducted research

Published on: 03/24/2020