Announcing the 2015 Grant Recipients

By the deadline of August 2015 IRC had received 6 outstanding grant proposals from leading universities around the world in response to the most recent RFP, which focuses on Big Data Outcome Measurement and Treatment.

IRC is very pleased to announce that the 2015 Grant recipients are the teams lead by Principal Investigators Dr Peter Nordquist, Research Institute Hörselbron, KTH Stockholm, Sweden as well as the team lead by Dr Harvey Dillon, National Acoustic Laboratories, Sydney, Australia. Each team received an award of 150’000 USD to pursue their research.

Both projects look at how coordinated data collection in audiological service delivery systems can be exploited to examine relations between patient characteristics, treatment outcomes, and process variables. This may provide new evidence for the development of improved treatment. Meanwhile, the diversity of real-life clinical practice may cause any data to be very ‘noisy’, potentially invalidating conclusions regarding cause and effect.

“Once again we are very pleased to have received so many excellent proposals from universities all around the world. We know it takes a big effort to prepare such applications, and we want to express our thankfulness to all applicants for their contribution,” said Stefan Launer, 2016-2017 Chair of the IRC.

Published on: 03/14/2016